Page name: The Dueling Acadamy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-16 20:25:37
Last author: Kalisie Kilik
Owner: Kalisie Kilik
# of watchers: 6
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As you walk into this school all you see are ruins of dueling tables. You try to get one to turn on but nothing happens so you walks around until you reach the back door and you open it up and you see the biggest most awesome castle youve ever seen with a big banner at the front that says the Academy of the dark arts now open

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2006-09-14 [Kalisie Kilik]: Not to sound rude or anything, but your sarcasme isnt wanted here, grow up, or else leave

2006-09-14 [Elf_Person]: drace your hated every where and every where you go you decenergrate me trust so you are now deleted from all my wikis have a nice day

2006-09-15 [Kalisie Kilik]: Iruka has a point, maybe if you just grow up, and try to get along with everyone, and actualy obey all the rules, then maybe people will like you a bit more

2006-09-18 [DRACE]: wtf I was gone for three damn days, wtf did I do to you [Elf_Person]? o.O

2006-09-18 [Kalisie Kilik]: Its not what you did to him, its what you do in almost every wiki you go to, from what ive seen your quite dissrespecful, and immature, no offence, but its true

2006-09-18 [Elf_Person]: yes very,hes done that on ALL of my wikis

2006-09-18 [Kalisie Kilik]: Well now that he knows, maybe we can expect a change from him, perhaps he will grow up, and learn to obey the rules of every wiki, otherwise everyones going to hate him...

2006-09-18 [Elf_Person]: maybe

2006-09-18 [Kalisie Kilik]: Well lets not worry about him right now, so what do you think of the acadamy so far?

2006-09-18 [Elf_Person]: i think its going to be awesome

2006-09-18 [Kalisie Kilik]: I hope so, ive been spending as much time as I possibly can on far I think its turning out ok, but it still has a lot of work to be done on it

2006-09-18 [Elf_Person]: damn

2006-09-18 [Kalisie Kilik]: Well look at the bright side, and least we can still hold class and everything, it just needs a lot of organizing....

2006-09-18 [Elf_Person]: yup,g2g ok

2006-09-18 [Kalisie Kilik]: kk

2006-09-19 [DRACE]: I haven't done that on all the wikis asshole, eveyone already does hate me, you shown that too [Kalisie Kilik], heh you're not acting mature either so don't judge others until you know youself - as for your acadamy, if you need some pics and such, ask and I will have a look, eh I have alot of free time on my hands >.< plus I have basicly been to every darn site I have known ~_~

2006-09-19 [Kalisie Kilik]: Drace, the only reason people hate you is because of the way you act, by calling me an asshole you show dissrespect, which makes everyone else on here that do respect me, hate you, so by still alowing you to even so much as comment here I am showing more maturaty then you

2006-09-20 [DRACE]: heh say what you want kiddo, you disrespected me as well, saying the shit you did instead of saying it in a privet messae, it kinda makes me think you two need an audiance, oh and by the way I have screen shots of our convos, 2 are alreayd up in my house, so delete them if you must, I still have copies

2006-09-20 [Kalisie Kilik]: I personaly dont care, theres nothing on there that shows any real disrespect, except from you, ive been trying to be as nice as I can, but your sarcasm makes it impossible, and im sure everyone else agrees, plus if you really wanted to have any of these messages in a PM all you had to do was send me a message telling me so, I would have been more then happy to leave these conversations out of the wiki's

2006-09-21 [DRACE]: yer right kiddo, you would have still done it in here, meh oh wells, as for what you say, I'm not being sarcastic, I am being me, its just that most people, such as people like you, can't handle me
let me ask you this, how many friends have you had and hav you had them all through your youth?
do you have any brothers or sisters?

2006-09-21 [Kalisie Kilik]: Nope, no brothers, but I have two sisters, who by the way live on their own, and I have more friends then I can count, and yes I have had most of them all my life. Why do you ask such personal questions anyways?

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